【Team MILAI】『Globe 40』Leg3 Daily report!2022年9月14日

海況: 風速15〜14ノット 波高 3.0m
移動距離: 208miles
食事: 鰻丼、冷奴、味噌汁、ビーフポテト、チョコクッキー、みかん、プチトマト、リンゴ
睡眠: 6h
We have passed our first cold front. Luckily it was not too much active and now we are upwind with 18/20 kt.
Milai is going fast and gives to us great satisfaction.
Life on-board is going on really well also thanks to all Milai's teams and supporters that helped to prepare really a comfortable, dry and fast boat.
Food: breakfast pan au chocolat and some fresh fruits
Lunch beef à la bière
Dinner I don't know what it was... really bad taste Lyophilise left by Andrea
Some snacks during the day
Ps.: Masa's food smells really well 
Slept: 4h30


弊社取扱プレミアムスポーツサングラスブランド True Sport Eyewear “evil eye(イーブルアイ)”により、Team MILAIをサポートしております。